About us
Avvanning.no is made by a group of young people following an initiative from Norwegian manufacturers and suppliers of drying and dewatering technology. This is our contribution to highlighting unnecessary transport of water in sludge waste. With over 50 years of experience in the development and production of process equipment, we are today focused on meeting global challenges with green and efficient solutions. We supply, among other things, dewatering equipment, which separates excess water before transporting sludge waste. In this way, we can offer our customers an environmentally friendly technology that reduces operating costs and energy consumption.
The site is updated periodically by gisle@vagen.no gisle@vagen.no
Aas, T., S (2016). Hva inneholder slam? NoFima. [lest 03.07.19]
Busterud, E., H (2018). Bildekk er den største kilden til mikroplast. Vegnett, Statens Vegvesen. [lest 02.07.19]
Fedoryshyn, N (2017). Klimagassutslipp fra samferdsel. Statistisk sentralbyrå. [lest 02.07.19]
Lundberg, H. Larsen, S (2019). Slam kan skape verdier. Kyst.no [lest 03.07.19]
Martinussen, T (2017). Biogass – verdifullt, effektivt og med dobbel klimanytte. Avfall Norge. [lest 03.07.19]
Oldertrøen, J., O (2019). Kortreist biogass er mest lønnsomt. NIBIO. [lest 03.07.19]
Parisavtalen (2019). FN-sambandet. [lest 03.07.19]
Reducing CO2 emissons from heavy-duty vehicles. EU. [lest 01.07.19]
Utslipp for kjøretøy og drivstoff, tabell (2013). Miljødirektoratet. [lest 02.07.19]
Ytreberg, R (2018). Havforsker: En halv kilo dritt og slam per kilo laks. Dagens Næringsliv. [lest 03.07.19]