Can 100
trucks be reduced to
only 4 after

Why dewater?

Numbers from the EU indicate that emissions from heavy vehicles make up a quarter of CO2 emissions from road transport and around 5 per cent of total CO2 emissions. Transport of sludge waste to reception facilities accounts for a significant part of this traffic. The solution is dewatering, where dry matter is separated from liquid. In some industries, this has been the focus for many years and major savings have been achieved on sludge dewatering. Several industries are lagging behind. Volume reduction in sludge waste of up to 90% means lower fuel consumption, cuts in operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Use the technology to save both the environment and transport costs!

Trucks make up 26% of greenhouse gas emissions from Norwegian road traffic, shows numbers from SSB. After only one km, the truck has produced close to a kilogram of CO2. Transport is therefore considered a central source of greenhouse gas emissions. Today, there is little doubt that increased greenhouse effect leads to global warming, and the consequences can be fatal.

Another environmental aspect of traffic is wear and tear on the road network. Numbers from the National Roads Administration show that around 8,000 tonnes of microplastics are formed in Norway each year. Car tire wear is the big culprit. Car tires made of rubber precisely contain microplastics. About half of the microplastics find their way to the ocean, where they pile up in the marine food chain and can eventually end up on your dinner plate. The effects of this are currently somewhat unknown, but research communities recognize microplastics in the world's oceans as a serious environmental problem.

The graph illustrates the number of tonnes of CO2 saved in the environment, in relation to the dewatering percentage.